Adding slides
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Now that you've written the introduction to your slideshow, and saved the story, you can begin adding slides.
You will see that the Storymaker template now displays your first asset on the left hand side, the introduction is listed on the right, and there is a button to add a slide below.
Click on the Add Slide button. You will see that a new form appears, asking you for the title of your new 'chapter', the description (or the text for the section of your story to include in this chapter) and an option to select an asset for this chapter.
You can begin by entering the title and description or by choosing the asset that you would like to illustrate this slide.
Clicking on Select Asset takes you back to the Search Assets page. Run a search for an asset to include in your story and then click on your choice to include it in your story.
Once you have entered the title, your text and chosen the asset you can save this chapter.
Continue adding chapters until your story is complete.